Our Team


Our goal at The Neurodiversity Co-op. is to build a unique organisation where lived-experience truly matters.

To do this, we are bringing together a team of compassionate, experienced and qualified individuals from a wide range of backgrounds, to become leaders and mentors for future neurodivergent generations.

Sinan Sezen

Founder & Lead Trainer

Sinan is the Founder of The Neurodiversity Co-op, and the Lead Facilitator of the training programs and workshops.

As a former NGO sector and International School leader, he has over eight years experience working in schools and organisations with neurodivergent and disabled students.

Having been diagnosed ADHD himself and struggled with it’s affects in his schooling and career, Sinan has first-hand experience and understanding of the complexities and difficulties that neurodivergent individuals face both in schools and workplaces.

Sinan considers himself a twice-exceptional neurodivergent individual, and over the years he has also been diagnosed with PTSD and anxiety. His journey has led him through multiple therapeutic approaches including both Western domains of psychotherapy and coaching, and Eastern domains of meditation and a spiritually connected worldview.

An advocate, activist and facilitator towards societal transformation towards neurodiversity affirmative cultures, Sinan believes that the transition to this new paradigm must be lead through neurodivergent individuals themselves.

Through facilitating collaborative eco-systems that bring together business, education and creative sectors, his goal is to help facilitate the creation of neurodiversity affirmative communities where all individuals can thrive and offer their unique gifts and strengths to their communities.

Find out about our first Co-op. and Hubs developing in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

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